Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Function Declaration Hoisting

This is the second post in the series of posts  explaining some fascinating features and caveats of javascript. "Function Declaration Hoisting" the name itself is intimidating ...!!!

Lets understand it with an example. What do you think will be the output of the below code snippet?

//Code Snippet 1
var isTrue=true;

if(isTrue) {
       function myFunc(){
         alert("Hello True");

else {

     function myFunc(){
         alert("Hello False");


The answer is "Hello False".

When javascript interpreter starts scanning the javascript, it scans the function declaration first. 
What it means that, we can write some code like below and it works fine.

 //Code Snippet 2

function myFunction(){
  alert("Hello World");

Now we can see that we have called the function before implementing it ,still it works due to this feature called "Function Declaration  Hoisting".Where javascript scans and interprets all the function declaration in document first before interpreting any of the statements.

If this feature would not have been there "Code Snippet 2" would fail because interpreter would have tried to execute statement "myFunction();" before knowing about function "myFunction()".

"Code Snippet 1" does not work properly because in first scan interpreter reads both the implementations of the function "myFunc()" without caring if the variable "isTrue" evaluates to "true" or "false". Now as i discussed in my previous post javascript does not support function overloading ,hence for javascript after first scan there is only one function named "myFunc()' with the implementation in the "else part as it was the last one to appear in the execution".So whatever be the value of the variable "isTrue", output will always be "Hello False".


Friday, November 16, 2012

Function Overloading in Javascript

Some of the concepts in "JavaScript" is really difficult to get. What make them more difficult is the fact that we except it to behave like true object oriented programming language.

What would you expect from the following piece of code:-
             //Function 1
             function fun(arg1,arg2){
             //Function 2
             function fun(arg){

             fun();//Call 1
             fun("Hello_1","Hello_2");//Call 2

I bet most of us will think "Call 1" will fail and "Call 2" will invoke "Function 1".

The fact is both calls will invoke "Function 2"....Surprised????

To understand why javascript shows this behavior , we have to consider that even though the above mentioned functions seems like two different functions (Because we are very much familiar with C++ or Java). The fact is they are not as javascript does not support function overloading . What is being done in the above code snippet is that the second function i.e Function2 just overwrites the Function1.

Hence in nutshell. Javascript does not support function overloading and as it is not a compiled programming language there is no compiler to warn you when you write two function with same name but different argument.

The interpreter which  comes with the browser just follows "Last One Wins" principle and leave us all surprised and puzzled when we see that all calls (With different argument) invokes only one of the function which is declared at last in the execution flow.